Bellator Societas

Non-profit association

"Quem di diligunt, adolescens moritur"


Bellator Societas association the goal of our association is to represent people involved in the popularization of the security education concepts in cooperation with similar organizations and institutions, and to promote a positive image of Poland in the international arena.

Members of the Association are representatives of different professional environments: law enforcement officers, soldiers, lawyers, teachers. Also, athletes are among our members and supporters: wrestlers, boxers, MMA fighters, body builders, runners, and others.

Bellator Societas social activities are focused not only on organizing educational shows, events, meetings and lectures, but also helping people in need during charity events. Our physical activity on the other hand are based on weightlifting workout that improves both individual fighting skills and the ability to cooperate as a team.

Every event organized by the members of Bellator Societas Association is a large logistical undertaking. The entire process of preparing and transporting equipment, making necessary arrangements and presenting the show itself may resemble military actions.

On the international level, we collaborate with other reconstruction groups as part of the "Common history of our Europe" program. Among the most important institutions and associations we should mention the museum in Velzeke and Aubechies - Beloeil (Belgium) and the Association "Istorico Romano" (Italy), organizers Natale di Roma, and the Association "Danais" Romania.

We present not only a complete reconstruction of the armaments of Roman praetorians and gladiators, based on historical sources, but also recreate the methods of hand-to-hand combat used in antiquity (from wrestling, through boxing, to pankration), using various types of offensive and defensive weapons, as well as fighting skills in a legionary formation.

The Association has access to the Roman armament workshop, there we reconstruct the armament based on historical sources using methods known for centuries: hammer, anvil, saddlery tools ... We also benefit from the professional help of blacksmiths, saddlers, wheelwright and woodcarvers.

The members of the Bellator Societas Associations value ancient Roman virtues such as: valour (bravery), fidelity and respect for the people and for ourselves. Bellator Societas is a non-profit association





Our offer

Bellator Societas association the goal of our association is to represent people involved in the popularization of the security education concepts in cooperation with similar organizations and institutions, and to promote a positive image of Poland in the international arena. Members of the Association are representatives of different professional environments: law enforcement officers, soldiers, lawyers, teachers. Also, athletes are among our members and supporters: wrestlers, boxers, MMA fighters, body builders, runners, and others.

Bellator Societas social activities are focused not only on organizing educational shows, events, meetings and lectures, but also helping people in need during charity events. Our physical activity on the other hand are based on weightlifting workout that improves both individual fighting skills and the ability to cooperate as a team. Every event organized by the members of Bellator Societas Association is a large logistical undertaking. The entire process of preparing and transporting equipment, making necessary arrangements and presenting the show itself may resemble military actions. On the international level, we collaborate with other reconstruction groups as part of the "Common history of our Europe" program. Among the most important institutions and associations we should mention the museum in Velzeke and Aubechies - Beloeil (Belgium) and the Association "Istorico Romano" (Italy), organizers Natale di Roma, and the Association "Danais" Romania.

We present not only a complete reconstruction of the armaments of Roman praetorians and gladiators, based on historical sources, but also recreate the methods of hand-to-hand combat used in antiquity (from wrestling, through boxing, to pankration), using various types of offensive and defensive weapons, as well as fighting skills in a legionary formation. The Association has access to the Roman armament workshop, there we reconstruct the armament based on historical sources using methods known for centuries: hammer, anvil, saddlery tools ... We also benefit from the professional help of blacksmiths, saddlers, wheelwright and woodcarvers. The members of the Bellator Societas Associations value ancient Roman virtues such as: valour (bravery), fidelity and respect for the people and for ourselves.

Bellator Societas is a non-profit association

    Stowarzyszenie Bellator Societas

    ul. Św. Szczepana 31
    61-465 Poznań

    Contact details

    Phone: +48 694669064

    KRS: 0000541079
    REGON: 360700000